This agreement constitutes the general terms and conditions between the consumer (the Customer) when purchasing in store or through distance sales with Line Textile Möbler AB 559116–1319 (LINE Furniture). When purchasing and ordering, the Customer must be at least eighteen (18) years old. The customer agrees that LINE Furniture processes personal data according to LINE Furniture's personal data policy. You automatically subscribe to our newsletter when you make a purchase. By subscribing to our newsletter, you also consent to receive information about special offers or other marketing campaigns through all our active digital social media channels as well as email and SMS. For more info visit us


LINE Furniture reserves the right for any printing errors, misspellings or other obviously incorrect price information that may occur prior to ordering or purchasing. All prices are stated in Swedish kronor including VAT. Details of the price for transport are given separately. In order for you to feel secure that LINE Furniture always guarantees the lowest prices on the market, we offer a lowest-price guarantee. Should you find an identical product at a Scandinavian retailer that is comparable in terms of design, size, material, color, and shipping price, we will refund the difference to you in the form of a credit receipt. Claims for the price guarantee must be made no later than 30 days after purchase and only apply once per product and buyer. The price guarantee does not apply to price changes on LINE Furniture's website, showroom, stores or social media before or after a purchase and LINE Furniture goods sold via an external platform. Contact customer service to take advantage of the price guarantee.

Payment is made in advance through the designated payment method or through credit purchase according to the designated creditor. For credit purchases, the lender's general terms and conditions apply. An order is processed when payment has been transferred or the credit purchase has been approved by the creditor. When requesting to pay by invoice, the order begins to be processed and the terms of purchase apply when the invoice is printed or sent, as the invoice has a due date with late payment interest that must be paid, otherwise it will go to debt collection and the enforcement officer. Purchase date is the date stated on the Customer's copy of the receipt or order confirmation. Receipt and order confirmation are required for cancellation, right of withdrawal, complaint and warranty. LINE Furniture generally does not apply open purchase or exchange rights as we work with international order goods.


The customer is responsible for ensuring that the address information is correct and that the information in the order confirmation is in accordance with the order or purchase. In case of incorrect information, the Customer must immediately contact LINE Furniture to correct the information.

Delivery time appears in the order confirmation and is determined based on the nature, nature, quantity and the Customer's delivery address of the goods. Ordering goods specially manufactured according to the Customer's instructions and goods with a clear personal touch may result in a longer delivery time. To facilitate the delivery for you as a customer and to minimize the environmental impact, we try, to the greatest extent possible, to deliver your products together in one delivery. This may mean that the delivery time of the order corresponds to the product whose delivery time is the longest. If we are unable to deliver together, your products will be delivered separately.

LINE Furniture has the right to cancel the order for the item after the order confirmation has been sent if the item turns out to be sold out. LINE Furniture reserves the right to cancel an order due to force majeure. This applies if it is not possible to fulfill the terms of this agreement. This may be due to extraordinary circumstances and events that LINE Furniture could not have foreseen such as war, fire, strike, earthquake and pandemics. Deviations from delivery times may occur based on extraordinary circumstances (force majeure) and other delays that are beyond LINE Furniture's control or in the event of major problems on the part of the factory. In the event of a delay in delivery, the Customer must notify LINE Furniture if the delay is of significant importance to the customer before placing the order and have it noted in the order confirmation at the time of purchase. We deliver the goods as soon as we can except for unforeseen circumstances for which we are not responsible.Estimated delivery time is between approx. 1-4 weeks for stock items, approx. 8-12 weeks for order items and approx. 12-16 weeks for special orders that are in addition to standard orders. Please note that delivery times are preliminary estimates. No compensation is given for delays or for deliveries that are not delivered on the desired day. LINE Furniture is responsible for the item until it is delivered according to the delivery conditions. When the goods are delivered, the risk and responsibility are transferred to the Customer. The product is considered delivered to the Customer when the ordered or purchased product has been delivered according to the following delivery conditions:

The customer can choose between the following delivery options:

Bronze delivery - SEK 0 - The item is picked up at the designated location or premises belonging to LINE Furniture.

NOTE! LINE Furniture takes no responsibility for any delivery, carrying in or assembly of goods that are carried out independently by the Customer or third-party companies on the Customer's part.

Gold delivery from SEK 1490 - The item is delivered to the specified delivery address. The product is considered delivered upon receipt by the Customer, after which the product is assembled and left at the designated location in the Customer's home or premises. When installing in the Customer's home or other spaces, the Customer is responsible for protecting floors, walls and the like in connection with delivery and installation. (In case of any damage during delivery or assembly, it is the home insurance that the customer should turn to)

When the goods have been delivered according to the delivery conditions, the Customer must immediately examine the goods before assembly. In the event of a fault in the product, see the section on complaints.

The customer has the obligation to participate in delivery by picking up the goods within a reasonable time or receiving the goods at the designated time and place according to the delivery conditions. Otherwise, the customer is charged an overtaking fee or a cancellation fee, see section on cancellation. If necessary, the customer must be able to identify himself during delivery and collection. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the ordered product can be delivered according to the delivery conditions, which includes, among other things, that the product has room to be delivered through doors and other spaces (such as elevators, stairs, etc.) in the customer's property, residence or premises. If the goods do not go through the elevator, we will help free of charge up to the 3rd floor. For all customers who live on the fourth floor and above must take responsibility for the entire collection process from the entrance level in case the goods do not enter the elevator. (Exceptions may be made in the case of special agreements depending on staff, time schedule and number of floors). LINE Furniture is not responsible for goods that do not fit or do not fit in the home, room or desired location. If the ordered product does not go through the stairs either, it is the customer's responsibility for all additional costs that are incurred.The customer is responsible for ensuring that the goods can be transported by public or private road to the delivery address. LINE Furniture has the right to compensation for costs that arise as a result of the Customer not participating or enabling delivery in accordance with the delivery conditions to be carried out and also in the event of deviations from the agreed delivery time.

LINE Furniture and the Customer have an obligation to, as far as possible, limit their damages or costs in case of delivery and delivery delay.


The customer has the right to cancel the order before delivery or collection by paying a cancellation fee. When the goods have been delivered in accordance with the delivery conditions, the Customer's right of cancellation ceases. LINE Furniture has the right to withhold part of the payment to cover costs and reasonable losses that arise due to the Customer canceling the order until the Customer's cancellation request has been processed.

Cancellation of standard articles

In the case of cancellation of standard articles, standard compensation is applied:

  • In case of cancellation within seven (7) days from the date of purchase, LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation of ten (10) percent of the price.
  • In case of cancellation within fourteen (14) days from the date of purchase, LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation of fifteen (15) percent of the price.
  • In case of cancellation later than fourteen (14) days from the date of purchase, LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation of thirty (30) percent of the price.
  • LINE Furniture reserves the right to additional compensation from the Customer in addition to the standard compensation for incurred costs and reasonable losses as a result of the Customer's cancellation of the standard article. This also includes transaction fees if the customer has made the purchase through a credit provider.

    Cancellation of custom and special items

    In case of cancellation of order or special items, standard compensation is applied:

  • In case of cancellation within three (3) days from the date of purchase, LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation of fifteen (15) percent of the price.
  • In the case of cancellation later than three (3) days for custom or special items, LINE Furniture is entitled to full compensation for incurred costs and reasonable costs for losses as a result of the Customer's cancellation, which arise from LINE Furniture being unable to sell the item without significant loss.

  • In the case of a refund, LINE Furniture applies the same means of payment that the Customer used. In case of cash payment, the refund is made through a registered account belonging to the same person. Refunds are made within (14) days of the cancellation being confirmed by LINE Furniture. LINE Furniture has the right to withhold part of the payment that compensates for costs incurred in connection with the Customer's exercise of the cancellation.This also includes transaction fees if the customer has made the purchase through a credit provider.


    In the case of distance purchases, the Customer has the right within fourteen (14) days from the handover according to the selected delivery to exercise his right of withdrawal for purchases in accordance with the Act (2005:59) on distance agreements and agreements outside business premises.

    The right of withdrawal does not cover additional services such as delivery costs and assembly of goods that have been started at the request of the Customer or other additional services that have been completed by LINE Furniture. The right of withdrawal does not apply to goods that have been fully or partially manufactured according to the consumer's instructions or that have otherwise been fully or partially given a clear personal touch. To exercise the right of cancellation, the customer must notify LINE Furniture within 14 days by using the email address provided on the order confirmation or receipt. The customer is responsible for returning the item to LINE Furniture's warehouse in Stockholm in its original condition and for the return costs in connection with the return. Upon return, the item must be essentially free of damage and other defects. Original packaging, packaging and other accessories must accompany the product when returning it to LINE Furniture. It is then the Customer's responsibility to ask the delivery staff to leave the original packaging, packaging and other accessories. A copy of the order confirmation must be affixed to each package.

    When the Customer exercises his right of withdrawal, LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation for increased delivery costs as a result of the Customer's choice of delivery method and the decrease in value of the goods to the extent that it is due to the consumer handling the goods to a greater extent than was necessary to determine its characteristics or feature. LINE Furniture is entitled to compensation for services performed or started on the product and other additional services to the product that the Customer has ordered.If the right of withdrawal is used for a distance contract, we have a cost of approximately seven thousand kroner including VAT in return costs, but the cost may vary depending on order size, distance and other influencing factors.

    In the case of a refund, the delivery fee, collection fee and assembly fee are reduced, as well as the transaction fee if the Customer has made the purchase through a credit provider, even if these fees were included in the purchase. In the event of a refund, LINE Furniture applies the same means of payment that the Customer used.In the case of cash payment, the repayment takes place through a registered account belonging to the same person. Refunds are made within (14) days of the returned item being received by LINE Furniture. LINE Furniture has the right to withhold part of the payment that compensates for costs incurred in connection with the Customer's exercise of the right of withdrawal. The right of withdrawal only applies to private individuals. The cancellation form is found at

    Return address: Kaserngatan 5 - 151 66 Almnäs


    LINE Furniture is responsible for the item until it is delivered according to the delivery conditions. When the goods are delivered, the risk and responsibility are transferred to the Customer. The complaint is made according to the delivered delivery conditions.

    Complaints about errors that occurred after delivery must be notified immediately to LINE Furniture by using the e-mail address specified on the order confirmation or receipt. Complaints must be made within a reasonable time after the Customer noticed or should have noticed the fault. If it later turns out that there is no fault with the product, LINE Furniture is entitled to reasonable compensation for incurred costs that have been caused by the Customer's incorrect complaint. For a complaint to be valid, the complaint process must go exactly according to the instructions. The customer must send a short video in which he clearly shows and explains the fault in the product. The customer must start by filming the entire item from a distance first so that you can see the whole and which part of which item applies. All damages resulting from wear, aging or improper handling shall not be covered by complaints or the warranty.In the case of minor damage, any claims against the seller are unfounded. Minor damage is defined as damage that is not noticeable to the naked eye in natural light conditions from a distance of 3 meters diagonally to a damaged product.

    LINE Furniture is entitled by law to initially make up to two attempts to remedy/repair faults in the product. The customer must keep the product available and otherwise contribute to ensuring that the product can be picked up for repair or repaired on site at the customer's place. LINE Furniture has the right to request reasonable compensation for costs as a result of the Customer not participating in remedying the error or in the event of deviations from the agreed visiting time.

    If the fault cannot be rectified, the customer will receive a redelivery of the product. In the case of redelivery, the selected delivery conditions apply according to section 3 Delivery. If Online Furniture cannot deliver the goods, the Customer has the right to request a price reduction or compensation. In the event of a price reduction or refund, the same means of payment that the Customer used for purchase is applied.In the case of cash payment, the repayment takes place through a registered account belonging to the same person. Payment is made within (14) days from when the item is received by LINE Furniture and the defect is approved by LINE Furniture.

    The customer is responsible for the product and reasonable related costs during the time that LINE Furniture processes the complaint and until the fault has been rectified or until redelivery has been carried out.

    When returning goods to LINE Furniture, LINE Furniture is responsible for transport and return costs according to the chosen delivery alternative as a result of faults in the goods. The customer has an obligation to participate to a reasonable extent in order for LINE Furniture to be able to carry out the return of goods. When returning, the original packaging, packaging and other accessories must be included as far as possible.

    LINE Furniture and the Customer have an obligation to limit their damages and costs in the event of product defects as far as possible. The right of complaint only applies to goods purchased by private individuals that have been used for private use. The right of complaint does not apply to display goods or second-hand goods.


    All products from LINE Furniture have a minimum 3-year warranty. LINE Furniture is responsible through a guarantee in the order confirmation that ordered or purchased goods from the date of purchase must be free from manufacturing, manufacturing and design defects. If the Customer wishes to use the warranty, the Customer must notify LINE Furniture as soon as possible within the warranty period. Regardless of the warranty period, the Customer must always report faults within a reasonable time from when the Customer noticed the fault or should have noticed the fault.

    Warranty and Complaints do not apply if the Customer has not followed general advice for the product, or for damages or faults that have been caused by the Customer as a result of neglect, abnormal use or similar circumstances due to the Customer's carelessness. The warranty also does not apply to buttons that come off after receiving delivery. Moving furniture must only be done by lifting and not pulling, as the weight in the wrong direction causes damage to the item and this is not included in the warranty and is considered a cause of neglect. This especially applies to all sofa legs, support legs, bed legs, chair legs, etc. where the weight and use of the item must only be from top to bottom at a normal rate and use. Damage caused by chemicals is also not included in the warranty.

    The customer is responsible for the product and reasonable costs incurred during the time LINE Furniture processes the customer's request to apply the warranty. LINE Furniture has the right to examine the product when the Customer claims the warranty. When making use of the guarantee, LINE Furniture has the opportunity to remedy the fault in a professional manner in the first instance and to re-deliver the item in accordance with section delivery. In the last resort, the Customer has the option to request compensation and return of the goods. LINE Furniture takes care of transport or costs for transport according to the chosen delivery conditions according to the section delivery when returning the goods and the Customer must contribute to the goods being transported or returned. The warranty only applies to goods purchased by private individuals that have been used for private use.


    When buying display goods, goods from bargain corners or second-hand goods, neither open purchase, right of exchange, cancellation or complaint applies. It is the Customer's responsibility to inspect the product carefully before payment, as when purchasing at these locations and circumstances, the Customer accepts the condition of the item.

    In the event of a dispute, LINE Furniture and the Customer must first seek settlement through official emails to Customer Service. Disputes between the Customer and LINE Furniture shall be handled in the alternative by the General Complaints Board. Otherwise, a Swedish court is competent and Swedish rules apply.

    Changes or additions to this agreement are made in writing. LINE Furniture has the unilateral right to change, add or remove conditions to this agreement. Messages and notices from the Customer to LINE Furniture according to this agreement must be made in writing by e-mail or letter.

    Line Furniture - Luxury

    Opening hours: Monday Sunday 10:00-19:00

    Line Furniture - Outlet

    Opening hours: Monday Sunday 10:00-19:00

    Line Furniture - Malmö

    Opening hours: Monday Sunday 10:00-19:00

    Our customer service is 100% digital because everything has to be handled through the administration and registered. You can always contact us here through the chat or email us at och we will answer you as soon as we can. We respond to all emails in turn. Thanks for your patience!